Since 9 July 1954, TCA has served and continues to serve tasty and nutritious food.
Meals Menu

  Lunch Supper
Monday Sweet Potatoes/Posho + Beans Stew Posho + Beans Stew
Tuesday Posho + Beans Stew Posho + Beans Stew
Wednesday Rice + Beans Stew Posho + Beans Stew
Thursday Sweet Potatoes/Posho + Beans pasted with Ground nuts Posho + Beans Stew
Friday Sweet Potatoes/Posho + Beans Stew Posho + Beans Stew
Saturday Rice + Meat Stew Posho + Beans Stew
Sunday Posho + Beans Stew Posho + Beans Stew


  1. On all public holidays, rice and meat stew are served during lunch.
  2. Students are served with boiled eggs every fortnight.
