Message from the Head Prefect: Opio Andrew Pius Okaka, BCM/ICT, 6 Science 2016


I take this as a great honour to be given a chance to share with all of you using the new Teso College Aloet School Website. I commend all the stakeholders of this school for the unending desire to keep high up.

I also would like on a special note to share with you all, my immeasurable pleasure at being at the helm of the student’s leadership of this great College. I am also obviously aware that it is not by my own might but by the grace of the Almighty God. It is indeed to God that I owe the position of Head prefect. My appreciation also goes to all the teachers and students who made me heed this call.

As head prefect for the period 2015–2016, I am inclined to believe that Teso College Aloet will continue to shine, not only in this region, but in the entire nation. This is largely achievable with continued academic excellence and students’ participation in clubs and co-curricular activities. My target too is to ensure that my leadership turns out to be the most peaceful regardless of the challenges I may face as a leader. Remember, the size of the enemy does not matter but it is the size of the fight in me that really matters.

I would like to conclude by promising the best for all during my tenure as head prefect.

“Aijanakin Ka Arimarit”