Finance Committee

No. Representative Notes
1. Chairperson Head Teacher
2. All Deputy Head Teachers  
3. All Assistant Head Teachers  
4. All the 17 Heads of Departments  


Fees Clearance Committee

No. Representative In Charge of / Classes
1. Mr. Ocaatum Silvester Headteacher
2. Mr. Chebet S. Twaha Deputy HT I
3. Mr. Opasso Julius Deputy HT II
4. Mr. Etadu Samuel Asst Headteacher I
5. Mr. Ocen Samuel Asst Headteacher II
6. Mr. Olupot John Robert S6
7. Mr. Akung Stephen S5
8. Mr. Oguro Anthony S4
9. Mr. Ekou John Baptist S3
10. Mrs Ariko Beatrice Rose Asst S3
11. Ms. Akol Stella S1 and S2


Contracts Committee

No. Representative Function
1. Deputy Head Teacher Chairperson
2. Mr. Ebosu Moses Secretary
3. Mr. Ocen Samuel Member
4. Mr. Ekou John Baptist Member
5. Quartermaster Member


Procurement Committee

No. Representative Function
1. Assistant Head Teacher I Chairperson
2. Deputy Head teacher II Member
3. Assistant Bursar Member