A prefect has a position of responsibility, providing an important connection between students and staff. Prefects are significant role models and are expected to demonstrate the values of the Teso College Aloet in their daily lives, as well as encouraging these values in others, both in and out of school. The Prefect Team is responsible for helping set the tone amongst the student body and for maintaining and enhancing the culture of TCA.
The position of prefect can serve as a stepping stone, an opportunity to become greater and better leaders in the future, inculcating the desire to render selfless service, as well as respect for the rights of those they lead.
Roles, responsibilities and privileges of prefects include:
- To help staff supervise all students in school during meal times. They must report to the member of staff on duty and supervise other students as requested by the member of staff.
- House Captains are responsible for motivation and organization of pupils for all House Activities. They should work closely with House teachers.
- Head prefect and his deputies form a Prefect Council with responsibilities to monitor the other prefects in their performance of their duties on duty day.
- Prefects without specific roles will be expected to support staff wherever possible – this means taking a proactive approach, asking staff if they can help rather than waiting to be asked.
Skills and Personal Qualities:
A prefect should have the following skills: speaking, listening, delegating, diplomacy, leadership, assertiveness and good judgment. He should be respectful, calm, forthright, reliable, confident, patient, approachable, compassionate, courageous, empathetic, resilient, sensitive, trustworthy, honest and principled.
- Rewards for those prefects that perform their duties satisfactorily.